This blogging stuff is hard to keep up with. So much has happened since last time I posted and it seems like whenever I sit down to post something I forget everything. So... sorry.
I finally got a calling for church! I'm a relief society instructor! Yikes, I know. I'm terrified. I teach every third sunday so my first time teaching will be Sept. 20th. If anyone has adivce, it woud be more than welcome. I've never taught before so I have no idea what I'm getting into.
One of my best friends, Cara Hervey, got married this past week! It was so amazing to share that expereince with her and her family. Hers was the first live sealing Colter and I have been to since our own. It was amazing!
I also just returned from a short 'trip' to Colorado. It was the first time since we've been married that Colter and I had to be apart. Holy crow, I had no idea it would be so hard! I thought we'd be ok, but wow that was hard. Good thing is that my dental surgery is all done and taken care of forever! Major stress relief. I was able to visit my family, old and new one. Colter's dad, Rick, is doing really well after his terrible car accident. The last day I was there we took him fishing. After sitting at home doing nothing for 2 weeks, he was very happy to be up and about. All I can say is he's crazy trying to fly fish with 6 broken cervical vertebrae, 2 broken lumbar vertebrae, and 9 broken ribs. But he did it! Thank goodness for the power of prayer and faith that got him through this accident. It was really scary there for a while.
School starts next week so we're going to be crazy busy again! Both of us are taking about 12 credits each and we're both working. I don't know how we're going to do it, but somehow I know we'll manage.
Here are some pictures from our fishing trip!

Thanks for finally updating. Glad you survived. Tell Cara hi from me.