School is going great! I absoutely love my classes. After this semester I'll be completely done with my pre-reqs for my major. Next semester I'll be heavy into my major. I'm so excited to finally get started! If we go spring and summer terms, I might graduate in Dec. next year! Colter is doing great in his classes. He has an incredibly hard schedule but he somehow manages to always do his homework on time and the readings! We only have a few weeks left before this semester ends, and we're so excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas break!
Colter's parents and my parents were able to come visit us for homecoming weekend! We had a party with my old roommates then spent saturday at the parade, which I danced in with the Ballroom Dance Company. It was amazing to have our parents there. It makes us REALLY miss home. They came to all of our classes and spent everyday with us. We got to eat lunch on day at the Museum of Art Cafe, which is where Colter proposed to me, which was the first time our parents had ever seen it before. Colter's father had his neck brace finally removed, three months after his accident. What's the first thing he did after it was removed? He went on a bike ride for 3 hours... I swear, he has no idea how much anxiety he causes his family. ;)
Halloween was the most uneventful night ever. Colter had to work late, and I bought 4 bags of candy, thinking we'd have a ton a trick-or-teaters since we live in Wymount. We didn't have a single trick-or-treater! So sad...
Well, that's all I can think of right now. I'm terrible at takin pictures, so the only pictures I have of this past month are from the Homecoming Parade. I promise I'm going to try harder to take more pictures...
This is our view in the complex. I LOVE autumn!!!!
Colter and me waiting for the parade to start!